
Female Infertility And Its Causes


Female Infertility And Its Causes
Female Infertility And Its Causes

Welcome to Female Infertility And Its Causes

Every woman has a dream to become a mother and to experience those 9 months of pregnancy and weave dreams every day for the baby. Also, to become a mother is considered to be the greatest happiness in a woman's life. But infertility shatters this dream. Not only one or two women but also a major part of female society is struggling with this serious problem. Because of which, becoming a mother's dream becomes very difficult. Infertility has no single cause but it is said that a disease related to women with periods cycle and getting pain during sex may cause of infertility.

For a couple, it is the greatest happiness of the world that they should have a happy family. But many couples are bereaved from this happiness due to infertility. Infertility can be defined as a problem of not having children. Also, it refers to a condition in which a woman is unable to conceive. It may occur in both men and women but the problem of not having children is often considered to female infertility. Substantially, infertility in men, may be the reason for not being pregnant.

Female infertility can be understood as an incompetence to conceive or a problem where a woman is unable to get pregnant even after a year or more years of regular unprotected sexual intercourse. This problem may occur in two situations. First, it may happen post marriage and secondly, some women may find difficulty in conceiving a second time after having a child. So, in this way it can be said that infertility may be of two types. In this article, we are going to find out the causes behind female infertility.

You may get rid of this serious issue quickly by knowing initial causes of female infertility. It is believed that sooner the treatment, greater the relief. But, first you have to identify the causes listed below.

1. Periods Problem: When a woman has irregular periods, painful periods and absence of periods or no periods then she may have female infertility problem. Some women do not have periods on time while others feel a lot of pain during periods. Both the situations may indicate the risk of infertility.

2. Bleeding from Uterus: Other than periods, lite bleeding from uterus may also be a cause of sterility. This kind of bleeding is known as fibroids which is a type of tumor and is caused by too much tissue formation in muscles. A woman may conceive even suffering from this problem but the possibility of miscarriage due to this tumor may increase. In most of the cases, it is handled through surgery.

3. Pain during Sex: There should be no pain during sex but if a woman feels pain during sexual intercourse then it's a matter of thinking. In this situation, consult with a specialist immediately and do not to avoid it else this may result as endometriosis.

4. Depression or Insomnia: You may feel symptoms of insomnia during periods cycle in endometriosis and along with this it is also feasible that you have to go through from depression. Analyze these symptoms and find out if it is related to sterility, if yes then you may see your doctor immediately.

5. Sex Hormone Disorder: When the testosterone level increases in the body, it may results as hair growth on the face too especially on the upper lips, chin, chest and abdomen area. In this, the problem of hair thinning on the head can also be seen. Keep in mind that all these symptoms are caused because of a sex hormone disorder i.e. testosterone.

6. Overweight: None of a woman can see herself getting overweight but an imbalance in weight may come due to many reasons. Nevertheless, after change in food intake and doing regular exercise, if weight in not decrease then it can be female sterility.

7. Loss of Sex Desire: Sterility is not directly linked to the lack of mind during sex but there is a connection of both. Lose of sex desire, depression, depression causes stress, getting pain during sex because of endometriosis, If all these happen then these may cause to female infertility.

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