
5 Steps to Finally Getting Your Endometriosis Under Control


5 Steps to Finally Getting Your Endometriosis Under Control
5 Steps to Finally Getting Your Endometriosis Under Control

Welcome to 5 Steps to Finally Getting Your Endometriosis Under Control

This is your guide to finally getting some control over your endometriosis pain and symptoms and I want to take you by the hand and guide you on what I would recommend if you were my best buddy and asked me to help you.

1. Minimize the sugar

Ideally, you want to completely eliminate sugar from your diet as this is contributing to inflammation which is driving up pain. Sugar is not your friend and there is nothing "treat" like about it. It will definitely make you feel worse to eat heaps of it and though you think it is giving you energy, it is actually depriving you of it long-term,

2. Walk daily

This will help you reduce some of the anxiety that often comes with having endometriosis. It also helps you to be in nature and to breathe in fresh air and get circulation going to the abdominal area. Without sufficient movement, there will be stagnation - this means old, yucky blood and more painful periods. Just move a little every day.

3. Meditate

When we become aware of ourselves, we also become better at making good decisions. Meditation just helps you slow down enough to observe what you are doing and being more mindful of the choices you are making. You will notice when you reach for foods that you know aren't healthy. You will be aware of what makes you feel anxious or stressed. You will be able to stand outside of yourself and see inwards. This helps you on so many levels.

4. Stop resisting the pain

I know this is a big ask. When we are in pain, we want it the pain to go away. We think about, we research it and we think about it a lot! We also resist it. We fight it and we hate on it. We actually indirectly make it bigger by doing this. Next time you experience pain, try to simply sit with it. Don't judge it or make it more. Just sit with it. Let it reside in your body without a meaning or a sign for you to take more action against it. Don't resent it or get angry at your body. Stop the chatter of being broken. Just observe it like a passing cloud and repeat to yourself: "This too shall pass".

5. Pick a super-food to add into your day

There are heaps of them and they all offer incredible healing properties. Try Wheatgrass shots or cocao nibs or acai berries. Just pick one and try it and incorporate it into your daily routine. These are your saviors. They will help your body heal. They provide the nutrients you are likely lacking.

These are just some initial ideas to get you started. Try them and reach out when you are ready for some more.

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