
Starting Exercise Program: New Lover Approach | beauty blog usa

Starting Exercise Program: New Lover Approach
Starting Exercise Program: New Lover Approach

Welcome To Starting Exercise Program: New Lover Approach

Approach a New Exercise Program Like a New Lover

Nine times out of 10 what happened was you simply tried to do too much too soon. It's like dating. You meet someone you like and want them to like you too, so you call them five times a day, leaving clever messages on their answering machine. You buy them cute gifts and cards so they'll know how much you car. Yet how does your new lover appreciate all this affection. They turn tail and run. The overkill approach is a sure way to drive that once interested suitor into performing a disappearing act.

Far better to play it a little cool, give them a little taste of how nice things could be, rather than the whole banquet. It's always wise to stop just a little shy of enough, "leave them wanting more." Why does the roller coaster ride last exactly three minutes? Because studies found that after a four minute ride people said, "Wow, that was fun," but after a three minute ride they'd say, "Wow! Let's ride it again!"

Six Little Minutes: All It Takes

When you first start exercising, give your body a taste of activity, rather than the full meal deal. When I first decided to "get in shape" I rode the bike at the gym for the grand sum total of six minutes. I hear you laughing, "Six minutes? What good would that do?" Everything that's what it would do and here's why:

At 28-years old, suddenly deciding to "get in shape" was quite the surprise for my body and mind. Six minutes was simply as much as my legs could take without giving out, so that was where I started. You may start at four minutes or 10, it doesn't matter. Even six minutes wasn't easy for me, but I kept at it, and after a week or so my legs felt stronger, I was breathing deeper, and the 6-minute ride was getting me warmed up for my short weight lifting routine (just like they'd said it would, imagine that). It felt good. I was beginning to enjoy the process. Notice I said after a week or so, meaning it may have taken me three or more rides before I started to actually enjoy it.

Don't expect to change your daily habits without some initial resistance, no matter how motivated you are. The instinctual brain response is, "That was nice, now let's get back to the couch." A progressive plan helps you avoid that kind of thinking.

I quickly found I wanted more of that invigorated feeling, so after a few more six minute rides I was ready to add more time. I decided to ride for 10 minutes, knowing I could drop back to six if it was too much. This felt great and for a month or more I happily rode for 10 minutes. What is 10 minutes out of your day? It's nothing. Anybody can give 10 minutes to increase their health and well being.

Slowly Increase the Time or Intensity

Over the next few weeks my bike riding time increased to 12 minutes, then 15, then 20. I went to the gym three days a week and rode the bike before every workout. It had become a new habit and I really looked forward to workout days. You want to have that feeling of desire for the activity, just like the way you can't wait to see your new boyfriend, but don't schedule yourself so heavily at first you can't keep it up (like every day, hah! That never works), or it becomes a chore. A chore is something you try to get out of, while a fun activity is something you can't wait to do again. Make your exercise routine fun and make that new boyfriend go crazy to see you again. Always leave them wanting for a bit more.

You'll know when you're ready to increase the intensity or time you exercise. You'll notice you feel like you could keep pedaling forever, it feels effortless and that's when you can add a few more minutes to the next ride. If you add more minutes, but it is more effort than you realized, drop back down again.

It's your program. Design it to fit yourself and it will be the best exercise program you ever had. Then you'll hear yourself saying, "I love my exercise routine." Really, it happened to me.

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