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Attention Ladies!
Attention Ladies!

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Building those impressively sleek shoulders takes a great deal of raw grind but once you sport a shapely set, you'll quickly be separated from the rest. If you like to wear bikinis or summer dresses that reveal your upper torso, shoulder training is ideal in sporting a sexy physique.

Here are some toning exercises designed to shape those delts:

ALTERNATING DUMBBELL RAISES: Standing straight with your feet shoulder-width apart, take a pair of dumbbells into your hands and hold them down at your sides. Make sure that the dumbbells are of a manageable weight. Bending your knees slightly, slowly raise one arm, twisting it so that your palm is facing down. Stop when your arm is straight out in front of you (at shoulder level) so that it forms a right angle with your torso. Squeeze your deltoid muscles before slowly bringing the weight back down to your side. Meanwhile, your opposite arm should be rising just as the other one drops. Repeat the alternating motion for 12-15 reps on each arm. Try 3 sets of this.

LATERAL RAISES (ON CABLES): Put a D-handle on the lower hookup of the cable machine. Stand with your side to the cable. With your arm that's farthest away from the cable, take the handle into your hand, and hold it to the opposite hip. Slightly bend your torso away from the cable, shifting weight onto your furthest foot from the cable. Slowly raise the weight across your torso, your arm slightly bent while doing so. Stop when your arm is extended directly away from your shoulder. Squeeze your shoulder at the contraction before slowly releasing to the starting position. Repeat this motion for a total of 12-15 reps at a lighter weight before switching sides. For a great burn, do not take any rest between alternating sets.

A shoulder injury can be devastating to the remaining workouts, considering it is used in virtually every other upper-body exercise. Your chest and back in particular can suffer from a nagging shoulder ailment. So make sure to stretch appropriately before partaking in these strenuous shoulder exercises.

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I run this blog. This blog is dedicated to highlighting all things beauty including makeup, fragrances, hair-care, skincare, and more with some lifestyle elements mixed in. I started The Beauty Look Book in 2009 while I was completing my MBA in finance and marketing. My studies in business plan development, product innovation, and social media marketing inspired me to launch..

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