
4 Exercises That Will Help You Change Your Body Faster Than Any Other Exercises You May Have Tried

4 Exercises That Will Help You Change Your Body Faster Than Any Other Exercises You May Have Tried
4 Exercises That Will Help You Change Your Body Faster Than Any Other Exercises You May Have Tried

Welcome To 4 Exercises That Will Help You Change Your Body Faster Than Any Other Exercises You May Have Tried

1. Lunges with a barbell. Properly executed, this exercise is the king (or queen) of total body reshaping exercises.

2. Indoor Rock Climbing. No other exercise will work as many muscles (both large and small) at the same time than using a Computerized Indoor Rock Climbing Wall!

3. 100 Rep Squats - while standing straight, in the squat position, holding either a pair or dumbbells at your sides or a light barbell across your shoulders (behind your neck) - you slowly squat to parallel, without using any jerking motions. Then when standing back up, you refrain from locking out your legs at the top position. Repeating this sequence for as many times as you possible can, up to 100 reps. When you can perform 100 reps, you simply add more weight. If you need a break during the set of 100 reps - for health reasons - then take one - but before then, once you get back up continue where you left off until you've performed 100 reps. This type of volume training drives a massive amount of oxygenated blood throughout your entire body improving your endurance, melting body fat, cleaning out your lymphatic system, and boosting your metabolism.

100 Rep Squat Details:

Using a straight barbell or dumbbells, with very little weight and your feet flat on the floor spaced about 12 - 14 inches apart, bend into a full parallel squat position (as one of our friendly personal trainers to assist you the first time you try this one - and always use a smith machine or a squat rack for safety purposes).

Perform as many squats as you possibly can without stopping or altering your form. Then stop and rack the weight. Rest for 15 - 30 second (or until you catch your breath), then pick the weigh back up and continue until you need another short break.

Repeat this format until you've completed 100 repetitions. Your goal is to squat 100 repetitions in one set. Once you reach that goal, simply add 5 or 10 pound to the bar.

It's important that you start this exercise with guidance first (Use a personal if you have access to one, not just anyone who is working out in the gym that day) and start with a very light weight, preferably just the weight of the bar.

I promise, if you keep your form strict, and you perform this exercise as outlined here, you'll have one of the best lower body's on your block (including the tightest rear-end around).

4. Interval Training. Start out performing your favorite cardiovascular exercise like jogging on the treadmill. Warm up at a low pace for 5 minutes, then increase the speed and the inclination 50 - 100% for 2 - 5 minutes, then decrease the speed back down to your slower pace for 2 minutes. After that, continue to alternate from your slow pace for 2 minutes to your fast pace for 5 minutes until you've completed your full 30 - 45 minute training session. Remember to monitor your pulse the whole time. And if you feel faint or dizzy at any point, stop immediately.

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