
Perimenopause and Insomnia | beauty blog usa

Perimenopause and Insomnia
Perimenopause and Insomnia

Welcome To Perimenopause and Insomnia-What You Need to Know

"There is no effective drug for your type of insomnia"

That's what my doctor said when I came to see him about my condition.

To be more accurate, I believe it was something like, "There's nothing you can do about that!"

I'm sure you can imagine how those words made me feel...

The type of insomnia I struggled with was the kind where you wake in the middle of the night and can't go back to sleep. I was actually quite fine falling asleep initially, but would wake anywhere between 1:00 am to 4:00 am. Sometimes I would go back to sleep. Sometimes not.

There were quite a few days when I would wake around 1:00 and not be able to get back to sleep. I would have a whole busy day ahead of me trying to function on just 2 or 3 hours of rest.

So imagine me, desperate, going to my doctor, only to have him tell me he couldn't help me. Even worse, that NO ONE could!

Perimenopause and Insomnia

But guess what? My doctor was wrong.

There was and is a lot you can do to alleviate insomnia. Even the kind where you wake in the middle of the night and can't get back to sleep.

Perimenopause and insomnia go hand in hand. And that particular type of insomnia is very common for women during this time. How come? Because it is a symptom of hormone imbalance and estrogen dominance.

Is that the kind of insomnia you suffer from?

Well, I have some great news for you. There are a number of supplements and essential oils you can use that can help.

Better yet, getting to the root of the problem and balancing your hormones will go a long way in helping you catch some z's.

Life style changes are crucial for balancing your hormones. A proper diet, exercise program and finding ways to alleviate your stress will help ease perimenopause and insomnia symptoms. If your insomnia is due to estrogen dominance, then taking steps to eliminate toxins from your home will also help considerably.

Balancing your hormones naturally does take quite a bit of time and effort but the rewards are worth it. Besides helping you get a full night's rest, these lifestyle changes will put your body back in balance and boost your overall health. Many women who suffer from insomnia due to hormonal imbalance, likely struggle with other symptoms as well. Getting to the root of what ails you can often have the added benefit of alleviating multiple symptoms.

Sleep is crucial for your health and wellbeing. Managing your stress and balancing your hormones may be just what you need to get that deserved night's rest.

In my eBook, "Reversing Estrogen Dominance Naturally", I tell you how to reverse estrogen dominance and ease perimenopause symptoms like insomnia. You'll learn which foods, herbs and supplements help treat the condition so you can start feeling better fast.

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