
How To Burn Fat Fast For Beginners | beauty blog usa

How To Burn Fat Fast For Beginners
How To Burn Fat Fast For Beginners


Welcome To How To Burn Fat Fast For Beginners

Why many people fail to burn fat?

Everyday we are told that "if you want to lose weight, you gotta go on a diet, exercise more, etc." The truth is that those old methods have some truth in them. However, they don't get you very far. It's because we all bought into a half truth method to burn fat and lose weight.

Switching from "junk food diet" to "plant based salad diet"

I have to say that this is all too common. If you wanted to lose weight, the first thing you think of is to start eating salads right? wrong.

When someone switches to a salad diet all of a sudden, the build water weight instead of losing weight. Because they do not have the proper enzymes to digest the soluble fiber in the leaf vegetables that absorbs water.

It takes time for a person to develop proper enzymes to digest a salad. Instead of switching to a salad diet, try starting with fruit and vegetable smoothie with healthy fats from bananas, coconut, flax seed, and avocados for example.

The healthy fats are there to stop you from hunger and from cravings.

Eating Big Breakfast Meals in the Morning

Eating a big breakfast in the morning is probably not the best idea if you are trying to burn body fat and lose weight. First of all big meals tend to slow your metabolism down a bit. Keep doing it everyday and it becomes a habit. Instead try to cut the size of your breakfast meal down or start with breakfast smoothies. Think light meals.

Exercising Too Much in One Day

Another common mistake people make is exercising too much in one day at the gym. They think that if they workout for 3 hours at the gym one day and rest the next two days, they will lose weight. It's not the amount of hours you spend doing a workout, but how many days you workout consistently.

Try working out one hour everyday consistently and see how it will give you results.

High Interval Workouts

In other words high intense interval training. This type of workout is usually done with an interval timer. Like working out nonstop the first minute and then resting the next minute and rest after that and so on.

This tends to give people a better chance at losing weight. Because the interval workouts rev the metabolism to burn more fat at a resting mode. You can also increase the intensity of the exercise by adding more repetitions in one set or adding more sets to the interval timer.

Power Lifting Strength Training

Power lifting or weight training is a great way to increase fat burning in certain places of the muscles. This is a proven method for burning body fat. I recommend it.

Stress and Lack of Sleep

Being under stress at a high level can impact your ability to lose weight. Because often lack of sleep follows stress. There are two hormones in your body called leptin and grehlin.

Leptin controls appetite, metabolism, fat burning ability.

Grehlin tells you when to eat, when to stop burning fat, etc.

When more grehlin is produced in your body, you crave to eat more and more. When leptin is low due to lack of sleep, grehlin increases. To produce more leptin you need to get more sleep.

Too Many Healthy Fats in a Diet

When someone eats too much healthy fat food. Like avocados, bananas, nuts, olive oil, salmon, coconut, etc. it adds calories and a ton of it. It's usually best to keep the healthy fats to minimum. Enough to keep you full till your next meal should be good.

Other Diets on How to Burn Fat

There are tons and tons of different advice for fat burning out there. Like intermittent fasting, detox diets, supplements, pills, garcinia cambogia, etc.

The reason why these diets claim to work is because of one thing. The ability to keep you full till your next meal while you are able to workout and burn body fat.

Comfort Food Habits

Now who doesn't like a bowl of ice cream at night? I know I do... But eating our favorite comfort foods very often can affect our ability to lose weight, because the chemicals in our cakes, cookies, ice cream, etc. add toxins to our body and prevent our liver from absorbing the vitamins and nutrients from vegetables and fruits when we do eat healthy. With that being said, in order to lose weight, yu need to get rid of these comfort foods. That's why I always recommend smoothie diets, because they are filled vitamins, nutrients, and natural sugars instead artificial sugars.

Alcohol, Tobacco, Drugs

If you have bad habits of taking alcohol, tobacco, and drugs, that makes you unable to lose weight at all. Because of the toxins that are in drugs. Alcohol consumption also hinders you from losing weight.

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