
How to Find the Right Yoga Style for You | beauty blog usa

How to Find the Right Yoga Style for You
How to Find the Right Yoga Style for You

Welcome To How to Find the Right Yoga Style for You

What has now become a popular fitness regime originated 5,000 years ago in India. The ancient people of that region followed this practice to prepare their mind and body for meditation. As yoga helps a person with their body and their thoughts, it was a wholeness of this traditional method that led to its recognition by the whole world. So, if you're sick and tired of your home gym machine and want to move on to something lighter, yet equally effective, yoga is the best. Like exercise, yoga too, has different kinds. Each kind has a specific purpose so here is a list of the different types of yoga and their purposes.

Hatha Yoga

If you are a beginner, it is recommended that you start with hatha yoga, rather than going for a form of yoga that demands greater strength and posture. The word Hatha means effort, or force, and it is slow and, therefore relaxing. It focuses on every pose in minute detail and helps beginners with accuracy and focus.

Iyengar Yoga

The pioneer of this form of yoga is B.K.S Iyengar. This is another form of yoga that is good for beginners and for those people seeking healing for their physical and mental injuries. It uses different postures and props, such as blocks and belts, to assist with the right positions.

Bikram Yoga

If you are lacking physical and mental strength, and want to learn how to control your weaknesses and gain strength, this is the best yoga style for you. However, it's best not to jump into it before preparing your body and working up to it. This type of yoga is carried out in a room with a high temperature and the heat teaches your body to control itself as well as helping in toxin release through the skin. Doing yoga in a 104° F room is not at all for beginners and, if heat is not your cup of tea, don't worry, there are still loads of other yoga techniques you can choose from.

Vinyasa Yoga

Another kind of yoga, to increase body strength and stamina, is Vinyasa yoga. Unlike Bikram yoga, it has nothing to do with temperature. There are different poses that you go into with continuous heavy breathing. The link between pose and breath is what drives the cycle. The quick movements make this form of yoga energy boosting.

Svaroopa Yoga

Svaroopa yoga is a kind of yoga that is mostly for those who are healing from surgery. In recent years it is considered to be an alternative to physical therapy, as it consists of a series of poses on a chair, and it can even prove to be beneficial for people with joint problems.

Kundalini Yoga

If you want to reach a level of spiritual awareness after seeing the media glorify this aspect of yoga, you must surely know a little about this system, if not, you may know about the name and some of the details. For this form of yoga, you take up different poses, along with continuous breathing and chanting. This will help energy rise from the base of your spine and spread to the whole body. It may take time to attain the desired result as it is a long process to go through but, once you go through it, it is purifying and healing.

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