
Hair Transplant - A Permanent Baldness Treatment | beauty blog usa

Hair Transplant - A Permanent Baldness Treatment
Hair Transplant - A Permanent Baldness Treatment

Welcome To Hair Transplant - A Permanent Baldness Treatment

Hair Transplantation... What? How? Why?


Hair transplant is a procedure or medical treatment in which surgeons take hair follicles from one part of the body for that part of the body which is bald. It is a procedure of providing hair to the bald area of the body. The part from hairs are taken is called donor site and the part where it is to be inserted (bald area) is called recipient site. It is also known as funicular unit transplantation.

How it is done?

• Pre-operation planning
Firstly, when you go to a doctor for this procedure he will ask your preferences and expectations and will analyse your scalp. This planning will help you to know that what is the density of the hair which will come as a result after transplant. Doctors will suggest you do's and dont's before surgery.

FUT hair transplant (Follicular Unit Transplantation)

In FUT transplant process the doctor will remove a certain inch strip from back of your head and then he stitch the area around. The area gets covered with hairs.
Next, the doctors team divides the strip of removed scalp into five hundred to two thousand little grafts, every with a personal hair or simply a couple of hairs. The quantity of graft you get depends on your hair type, quality, color, and also the size of the realm wherever you're obtaining the transplant.

FUE hair transplant (Follicular unit extraction)

In FUE transplant process the hair doctor will firstly shave your hair from the donor area. Then, the doctor will remove follicles one by one from there using fue punch. The hair Doctor then uses terribly tiny small blades or fine needles to puncture the sites for receiving the grafts, putting them during a preset density and pattern, and angling the injuries during a consistent fashion to push a sensible hair pattern. The technicians typically do the ultimate a part of the procedure, inserting the individual grafts in perfect place. This process can be done in a single long session or many small sessions.



• Leaves a donor scar
• Healing time is more
• More discomfort in donor area
• The maximum graft of yield is
Higher than FUE
• Less expensive


Does not leave a linear donor scar.
Healing time is less.
•Less discomfort in donor area
The maximum graft yield of FUE is lower than FUT
More expensive

List of hair transplant equipments:
• implanter pen
• fue
• Hair Transplant FUE Follicular Unit Extraction Machine
• Cylindrical fue punch
• forceps
• HT Micro Titanium Forceps
• Manual Hair Transplant Punch Holder
• Hair Transplant Titanium FUE etc.

Why it's profitable as compared to other hair regrowing strategies?

•It is one in every of the hair restoration procedure that involves transplantation of your own hair taken out from back of the scalp. It grows naturally. The colour of the hair is same as your original hair. Hair growth unremarkably starts once two to three months. Hair replacement completes its recovery at intervals eight to ten months.

•Another good thing about this surgery is that you just get hair that's terribly manageable. Transplanted hair works rather like your naturally big hair thus you don't got to apply any special shampoos or chemicals to keep up its density.

•Hair transplants area unit fully safe and natural. No special chemicals or medicines area unit employed in this method that may harm your hair. Amongst all the hair growth ways hair transplant surgery is that the most natural. The results of hair fall treatment are a unit thus sensible that majority of the individuals won't be ready to tell that you just got a hair transplant.

•It helps to hide up bald space with own hair that doesn't would like any maintenance. It improves assurance and look of the person. The cost might be more but it is most effective process in baldness treatment.

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